During the Marketing Festival of Milan (1-3 July 2020) the value of brands was discussed, in relation to their brand identity, brand image and brand reputation. The representatives of some big Italian companies took part in this session.
Massimo Pizzo, managing director brand finance introduced companies talking about why brands are valued and how. If because of Covid you want to reposition the brand, after having done analysis and research, discussed with the CEO and with the company’s governance, you always ask to yourself what the economic impact will be, or often you think that the marketing sector is not have value in the process. Nothing more wrong.
Every year 5000 brands and their value are analyzed to draw up a ranking of the 500 largest brands in the world. The Ferrari company is in first place this year (with an estimated value of 9 billion euros), even if Amazon is the company that invoices the most (220 billion euros) and Gucci is the Italian share with higher turnover. Evaluating a brand, however, also means evaluating the intangible elements linked to it, such as the reputation, the brand image of customers and so on.
Luciana Mirizzi: FASTWEB case history
Fastweb two years ago decided to implement a brand repositioning. The goal was to build a true relationship close to customers. This was decided following the discovery that customers found the relationship with the company very cold. They therefore decided to focus everything on the relationship with customers, achieving an excellent result, pursuing a transparent and true relationship, which inevitably discharges the corporate reputation.
This also led to higher financial results, closing for the 27th consecutive semester in growth. This was only possible by breaking the rules of the market and starting with being as transparent as possible. For example, they eliminated contractual constraints, they created the simple bill, they constantly offered new offers for both new and existing customers, all following the rules of commercial transparency and relationships.
Marco Palocci MONTEPASCHI case history
The Montepaschi brand reacted very well considering its starting point in 2016. It is a company with more than 500 years of history and has carried out a research between customers and non-customers with a focus on the perception of the brand to improve.
Rosalba Benedetto: BANCA IFIS case history
Through a restructuring of the brand architecture, thanks to technicians and other figures, they created a single “mother” brand that however spoke of all the companies, products and services it deals with, giving a single identity in which all values are contained . The process was completed with a restyling of the logo too.

Marco Battaglia: CASSA DEPOSITI E PRESTITI case history
This company is 170 years old but is still practically considered a startup. It was initially perceived as a public authority, outside the territory and far from the citizen and local systems. In reality, it is a brand that lives in people’s everyday lives. Therefore a new identity has been created with a public mission and an approach to the market such as to reach the stakeholders in the territory. Specifically, the activities were:
– Rebranding aimed at highlighting the Italian spirit
– Updating the digital image and creating a new site
– Creation of digital points to facilitate access to the proposed offer
– Intense activity on social media
– Creation of product catalogs
In this way, all the communication assets that stakeholders deserve have been created
Davide Cervellin: TELEPASS case history
The Telepass brand is now so powerful that it has become synonymous with what it produces, the term is used to conceptually and globally indicate all those willing to pass tolls on the highway. Three years ago the company diversified its products by adding mobility services, the possibility of paying for the blue stripes, parking, car washing and ferries. Everything was done by creating another brand. The latter, however, not starting entirely from scratch but taking up the basic elements of the parent brand. Thus was born Telepass Pay, chromatically it contains elements both of rupture and continuity with the past, keeping yellow and blue. Positioning has led the company to define itself as a multiservice and a multi Brand.
The marketing implemented was “conceptual”, communicating the services based on the customer profile. This means implementing a high level of personalization of the messages, which differ from customer to customer according to their needs and what they are looking for. The goal for the next few years is to tell the brand through its products.
Does your company need to evaluate a brand repositioning? Your brand has need a restyling or a new brand identity? Want to improve the communication of the your brand via website and social media?
Contact HEROTECH for advice.