Reviews nowadays become the driving force of companies, especially if they are synonymous with authenticity. For this reason, taking care of it and encouraging customers to spend a few words on the products and / or services tested is very important.
In general, different types of reviews can be made online:
Service reviews: refer to the feedback left by consumers on experiences they have had with an e-commerce service or site.
Product reviews: are feedback left by consumers on experiences they have had with a purchased product, in relation to the expectations generated by marketing. It has a very high value in terms of data and also of SEO with 100% of the benefit and for those who make their own product.
Combining both types of reviews is the best solution.
Generating enough traffic for companies and optimizing the SEO website is one of the biggest challenges nowdays.
The steps preceding the invitation to review are 4 and are as follows:
1- A customer makes an online purchase
2- The order is confirmed
3- The order is shipped and delivered
4- Review collection activated
From a technical point of view
- Manual collection with CVS file upload copy-paste or single manual invitation
- Collection through our automatic feedback service (SFA)
- Collect reviews through your CRM or your email sending platform: Unique Link and API
- Collection of reviews through Business Generated Link – no data sharing
There are several invitation methods to write reviews
– Manual
– Automatic feedback collection: this not only increases the response rate, but allows you to create a personalized sending schedule and create reminders
To increase the reviews, it is useful to provide incentives for those who leave their opinion: you can offer a reward for each written review (for example, a discount promise or a gift coupon) but be careful: the incentives should be offered regardless of the content of the review, it is not allowed to use them to influence the evaluation. Another tip is to regularly perform A / B split tests: change the subject and body of your emails and change the color of your button for the call to action. Finally, it is useful to send a reminder for the invitation: sending a reminder increases the number of reviews received by 35%.
As for responding to reviews, you must always show that your company takes care of its customers and is concerned with keeping their level of satisfaction high. In this way, not only does it generate trust but it benefits from search engine SEO (appearing among the top 4 solutions found by Google). Giving your company the opportunity to be even more transparent and to create a voice for the brand solves some problems such as dissatisfied customers, regaining their trust or encouraging satisfied ones to come back.
Proactively collecting reviews helps to better show your reputation: in fact, 66% of consumers say that online reviews are the recommendation they trust most. Without a review management strategy, your company may go unnoticed: 62% of consumers tend to trust more than 1 or 5 star reviews. In addition, responding to reviews helps to keep customers and reduce the cart abandonment rate in the future: 59% of consumers trust less than a company that has no negative reviews.
There are several ways to show reviews on your site online through trustboxes. These are of different shapes and sizes, so it is possible to insert them anywhere, at the foot of the page, to the side or dedicate an entire section of the website, and in addition they are responsive (when there is a new review it is shown)
An alternative is to insert them in the so-called offline advertising

Nel 2017 il mercato dello shopping online ha registrato il più alto tasso di vendite tramite
smartphone e tablet, allo stesso tempo i guadagni globali del mercato dell’AR hanno subito un
incremento tale da far prevedere di raggiungere i 485 miliardi di dollari entro il 2025.
Nonostante gran parte di questa crescita sarà trainata dalla domanda di applicazioni nel settore
retail e automobilistico, nei prossimi anni l’e-commerce della realtà aumentata irromperà nell’intero
universo delle vendite online con la sua capacità di personalizzare e migliorare l’esperienza di
acquisto per i clienti.
Non a caso alcuni importanti colossi del web come Facebook, Amazon, eBay, Alibaba e Microsoft
in coppia con Apple hanno in programma di integrare l’AR nelle loro strategie di marketing,
iniziando a vendere in modo completamente nuovo in tutto il mondo.
But how do you show your reviews? First of all, it is useful to generate traffic on your website, and this can be done through Google Ads. Along with SEO activities to improve organic positioning, paid ads are another useful tool for intercepting user searches at every stage of the buyer’s journey and pursuing different objectives: from brand awareness to increasing online sales, passing through the increased traffic to the site or contact requests.
But the competition is very high and it is important to know how to best use the tools offered by Google ADS to structure ads capable of converting and not wasting precious budgets.
Google ADS allows you to expose your ads to users who are active in the search for a service or product, through the use of keywords. Google analytics, on the other hand, is very powerful for recording all the website user data for comparison.
With the right match types of keywords and preforming ads, you can measure the quality of traffic from Google ADS and maybe compare it with other channels (for example organic Google). The choice of keywords is not obvious and can be done through 4 different ways that perhaps not everyone knows:
- General correspondence
With generics, Google is given a lot of freedom. The advantage is that you don’t need to enter many keywords because it is Google that chooses the keyword, but on the other hand, the search engine does not always understand what it is about

- Changed generic correspondence
Restrict Google’s algorithm to use the keywords you want to use.

- The phrase correspondence
It is activated through the use of delimitation with quotes. With three quotation marks, Google is commanded to use the precise order of the chosen words, which makes this type of correspondence more restrictive than the previous one.

- Exact match
This type of correspondence leads to better performances but to fewer clicks. Thanks to square brackets, Google exactly selects the order and keywords chosen. It is a little-used match today, unless you have very specific keywords or strategies, otherwise it is not recommended to use it. In terms of quality, however, it turns out to be the best (the field is narrowed to increase the quality of the buyers).